
Section 7 Operation
7.1 Operating Limits
7.1.1 Operator Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the audio system operator to operate the loudspeaker within its
capabilities. This is the only way to ensure that the loudspeaker is not stressed beyond its
limits to the point of damage or failure. Refer to the EAW Loudspeaker Manual for detailed
Operating instructions and suggestions. NT's LED status indicators will show when the
loudspeaker is operating at or beyond its maximum capabilities.
7.2 Adjusting the Output Level
With a source program playing, gradually turn up the level of your signal source until the desired
volume is reached or until the CLIP light flashes only occasionally, whichever comes first.
7.3 Operating Indicators
For the instructions in this section, refer to the
accompanying Figures.
7.3.1 Limiter Active
The limiting parameters set in NT's DSP are
engineered to provide a high level of protection for
the transducers while maximizing sonic
performance and output. A Limiter Active indicator
in the rear input panel illuminates when limiting is
occurring. If this is flashing occasionally, meaning
no more than once every 3 seconds or so, then
levels are probably OK, but at maximum. If this
indicator is flashing more than once every 3
seconds or so, reduce the input signal level.
7.3.2 Clip
A Clip indicator on the rear panel illuminates if any
of NT's electronics are being driven into clipping.
This includes the entire signal chain from the input
stage through the DSP. Clipped signals can more
easily damage transducers as they can raise the
average signal level significantly with a spectrum
that differs significantly from the input signal.
7.3.3 IMPORTANT: Operator Response
If either or both of the Limiter Active and Clip indicators are flashing occasionally, meaning
no more than once every 3 seconds or so, then the signal level may not be excessive.
However, this is a CLEAR indication the loudspeaker is being operated near or at its
maximum limits. If either or both of these indicators are flashing more than once every 3
seconds or so, or are on steadily, reduce the input signal level or damage to the drivers is
likely to occur.
CAUTION: Electronic limiters cannot provide absolute protection against driver failure.
Thus, if limiting is occurring, it is a warning that excessive signal levels are being
approached. It is NOT an indication that the loudspeaker is successfully protecting itself.