SMS4 – 5
Freq. Range (–10 dB): 60 Hz–23 kHz
Freq. Response (–3 dB): 75 Hz–20 kHz
Horz. Coverage Angle (–6 dB): 110° averaged 800 Hz to 16 kHz
Vert. Coverage Angle (–6 dB): 110° averaged 800 Hz to 16 kHz
Directivity Factor; Q (DI): 5.6 (7.5) averaged 800 Hz to 16 kHz
System Sensitivity
: 87 dB, 1W @ 1m
Rated Maximum SPL: 108 dB, @ 1m
System Nominal Impedance: 4Ω (bypassed)
System Input Power Rating
Applicable Power: 60W rms (bypassed)
Musical Power: 120W rms (0.5 sec ON, 0.5 sec OFF, bypassed)
Peak Power:
150W rms (60W rms + 4.5 dB crest factor,
Constant Voltage: 25V, 50V, 70V, 100V
Power Taps: 1W, 5W, 10W, 20W, 30W
Crossover: 4.0 kHz
Low-Frequency: 5 in/130 mm carbon ber woofer
High-Frequency: Horn loaded 0.5 in/13 mm dome tweeter, Ferrouid cooled
Enclosure: 45° back angles, high density polystyrene
Attachment Inserts: Four points M6 threaded, two on back, one on top, and one on bottom
Mounting Hardware: Wall-mount ball-joint support bracket
Color: Matte black (SMS4) or white (SMS4W), scratch resistant paint
Grille: Matching perforated steel grille
Input Connectors: Spring-loaded terminal
Dimensions (HxWxD): 10.62 in/270 mm x 7.36 in/187 mm x
6.77 in/172 mm
Net Weight: 8.0 lb/3.6 kg
1 Measured on axis in the far eld with 1 watt (2.00 V rms @ 4 ohms) input and referenced to 1 meter distance using the inverse square law. Listed
sound pressure represents an average from 300 Hz to 3 kHz.
2 The specications provide three power values, which are determined by submitting the speaker to a series of laboratory tests lasting two hours
each. In the test for Applicable Power, pink noise is applied in the operating range of the speaker, and the signal is ltered at the ends of the band
with a 12 dB/octave slope. The applicable power value indicated is an rms value. The signal peaks present in the pink noise, adjusted according
to the type of speaker being tested (e.g., +4.5 dB with respect to the average level), are used for determining the Peak Power value. To identify the
Musical Power, the rms power value obtained in the rst test is doubled, applying it with impulses lasting 0.5 seconds (0.5 sec ON), and at an interval
of 0.5 second between one application and the next (0.5 sec OFF). For all the tests, the maximum power that the speaker can withstand without sus-
taining permanent damage is assumed as the power value.