Tailor your choice
• Standard
Option at extra cost - Not available
Dimensions depend on the option selected, please read the product data for more information (1) manual folding assistance available as option
Bed-type ironer
Standard product IB42310 IB42314 IB42316
Roll diameter mm 230 230 230
Ironing width mm 1000 1400 1650
Ironing speed m/min 1 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4
Roll diameter (in) 9-1/16” 9-1/16” 9-1/16”
Ironing width (in) 39-6/16” 55-2/16” 55-2/16”
Ironing speed (ft/min) 3’ to 13’
3’ to 13’ 3’ to 13’
Dimensions Width mm 1395 1795 2045
Depth mm 510 510 510
Height mm 1025 1025 1025
Width (in) 54-15/16” 70-11/16” 80-8/16”
Depth (in) 20-1/16” 20-1/16” 20-1/16”
Height (in) 40-6/16” 40-6/16” 40-6/16”
Heating alternatives
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Functionnal features
Front delivery - - -
Rear delivery only
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& metallic strippers
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Voltage 230/3/50-60 Hz
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Voltage 440/3/60 Hz
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Voltage 230/1/50-60 Hz
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Special voltages
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Variable speed control (3 phase voltages)
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Cylinder-type ironer
Standard products IC43316 IC43320 IC44819
Roll diameter mm 325 325 479
Ironing width mm 1650 2065 1910
Roll diameter (in) 12-13/16” 12-13/16” 18-14/16”
Ironing width (in) 64-15/16” 81-5/16” 75-3/16”
Dimensions Width mm 2030 2445 2575
Depth mm 690 680 1110
Height mm 1145 1145 1270
Width (in) 79-15/16” 96-4/16” 101-6/16”
Depth (in) 27-3/16” 26-12/16” 43-11/16”
Height (in) 45-1/16” 45-1/16” 50
Dimensions Width (with automatic feeding) mm 2575
Depth (with automatic feeding) mm 1320
Height (with automatic feeding) mm 1270
Width (with automatic feeding) [in]
Depth (with automatic feeding) [in]
Height (with automatic feeding) [in]
Speed range m/min 0.5 to 5.5 0.5 to 5.5 1.5 to 9
Speed range [ft/min] 2’ to 18’
2’ to 18’ 5’ to 30’
Heating alternatives
Electric nickel-plated steel cylinder
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stainless steel cylinder
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stainless steel cylinder & air circulation device
Dubixium™ cylinder
Gas nickel-plated steel cylinder
stainless steel cylinder
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Dubixium™ cylinder
Steam steel cylinder
stainless steel cylinder
Thermal oil steel cylinder
Functional features
Front delivery, no folding
--R : rear delivery only, no folding
--2R : front or rear delivery, no folding
LF : length folding, front delivery only
-F2R : front delivery without LF or rear delivery with LF
F-R : automatic feeding, rear delivery only (no folding)
F-2R : automatic feeding, front or rear delivery (no folding)
FLF : automatic feeding, front delivery with or without folding
FF2R : automatic feeding, front delivery without LF or rear delivery with LF
FFL : automatic feeding, length and cross folding, side delivery
FFS : automatic feeding, length and cross folding, stacking
DIAMMS™ speed management system
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ironing belts
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Special voltages
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