
Throughout the birth and growth
of the Elkay plumbing products
group, the leadership and vision
of Elkay's founders has always
been maintained: provide better
customer service, higher quality
and more innovation than our
competitors. Our faucets are no
exception. We invite you to
learn more about our products
and services.
CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Web Site: elkayusa.com
Corporate Headquarters:
Customer Service: 630.572.3192
Fax: 630.574.5012
2222 Camden Court
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
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Our national sales presence and extensive distributor base provide
excellent service and convenience. For the name of your nearest
Elkay Sales Rep or Wholesaler:
• Visit the “Where to Buy” area on elkayusa.com
• Call our customer service department at 630.572.3192
EEllkkaayy TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt
• Help is always just “One Call” away.
• Trained factory technicians available during business hours,
5 days a week
• 98% of technical service inquiries handled on the first call
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• Up-to-date product specification sheets
• Current catalog and pricing
• Local sales rep locator
• Warranty information
• Where to buy our products
• Service information
• How to contact Elkay
© 2007 Elkay Printed in U.S.A. (7/07) F-4193