z Use AVI as the file container.
z Encode video using the Xvid codec.
z Resize video to 320 x 240 pixels or smaller.
z Encode the audio using an MP3 codec.
z Reduce the audio to 2 channels if the original was more, such as 5.1.
There may be other transcoding “formulas” that will produce videos that
are compatible with the player. Also note that there are some formats that
will work without conversion. For a full list of supported formats, see
“Technical Specifications” on pg. 36.
Note: Ematic does not provide support to Linux users; however, you can
get help from the Linux community on the Internet via information sites,
forums, and e-mail lists.
4.0 Copying Files
4.1 Copying Media Files to your Player
To listen and/or view media on your player,
you must first copy the files from your
computer to the player. Before copying files
to your player, you must make certain that
the files you wish to enjoy on your player
are, in fact, supported by the player. See the
full list of supported formats under “Technical
Specifications” on page.36. Read about
video conversion on page. 5.
Follow these steps to copy media files under Windows:
Make certain your
media files are supported by
the player. Media from
iTunes is NOT supported
1. Switch the player on.
2. Connect the player to your computer with the USB cable.
3. Open a window to the player: Double-click My Computer, and then
double-click the drive that corresponds to the player. It will probably be
labeled Removable Disk.
4. Using the same process, open a window to your music, video, or other
media files.
5. Drag-and-drop media files from your computer's window to the
player's window. Media files must be copied to the correct folders:
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