Fibre Channel FC4700 Array to IP4700 File Server Conversion Guide
Loading IP4700 Software
If necessary, refer to chapter 3 in the IP4700 Installation and Service
Guide for instructions on removing and installing disk drives.
4. Remove the disk drive installed in DPE slot 0 (the leftmost slot)
and set it aside.
Note that the disks in DPE slots 0-2 should NOT be the 0-2 disks in the
previous FC4700 configuration (per step 8 in the preceding section,
“Converting the Hardware”).
5. Install the seed disk (P/N 005047310) into DPE slot 0. Wait until
the LED is on solid before continuing with the next step.
6. At the FS > prompt, type finit and then press <Enter>.
7. At the FS > prompt, type showrev and then press <Enter>.
Minimum revisions of PROM and BIOS are displayed below.
If the PROM and BIOS versions are at or above the minimum
listed above, proceed to step 8.
If the PROM and/or BIOS versions are below the minimum listed
above, perform the following:
FS> engrmode on
FS> dsktofl 0 ↵ (to flash firmware from disk 0 to the SP)
FS> dsktofl b 0
↵ (to flash BIOS from disk 0 to the SP)
FS> engrmode off
8. Move the serial cable to SP B.
FS > finit
Starting loop initialization
Loop is initialized.
FS > showrev ↵
Prom Version: 03:05:97
Bios Version: 4.06 v01.22