Installing Navisphere Host Agent
Silent Installations and Removals
-userid userid
Specifies a privileged user’s login name. The Host Agent
configuration file will set the privileged user as specified
but leave other options with default values (see step 4 on
page A-15).
You must use this switch with the -server switch. You
cannot use this switch with the -cfgfile switch.
-server servername
Specifies the server for the privileged user. The Host Agent
configuration file will set the privileged user as specified
but leave other options with default values (see step 4 on
page A-15).
You must use this switch with the -userid switch. You
cannot use this switch with the -cfgfile switch.
-cfgfile "fullpath and configuration file filename"
Specifies the Host Agent configuration file that will be
used along with the full pathname and filename to which
the Host Agent will be installed. The system then copies it
to the target installation directory as agent.config when the
installation completes.
You cannot use this switch with the -userid or –server
Indicates a silent installation. A silent installation requires
no input after you enter the command.
Specifies the full pathname of the Host Agent response file
you created in step 1 on page A-10.
Specifies the full pathname and filename of the log file. We
recommend that you create the log file on a local directory
so you do not override a log file from another server’s