Prepare the location(s) for the unit (see Figure 4). Allow adequate clearance for convenient mainte-
nance. Anchor the unit to the floor or bolt it securely to the wall using appropriate anchors (supplied
by others).
Connect the unit piping to the chiller, load, emergency water supply and drain (or recirculator). Pip-
ing connections are labeled on the unit. Be sure to bleed all air out of the fluid system. Note that the
pressure limit of the Envirosource Module is 100 psig.
Connect unit to the required AC power source through a remote on/off switch (field supplied) as indi-
cated on the unit nameplate. Electrical service shall conform to national and local electrical codes.
Refer to unit nameplate for full load amps (FLA), wire size amps (WSA) and overcurrent protection
device (OPD) requirements. Refer to Figure 8 when making connections.
Connect pump interlock to Process Chiller. Connect optional control wiring for remote shutdown,
remote indication of loss of flow, remote indication of high temperature and common alarm, as
Failure to fasten unit securely to wall studs or structural members with appropriate
anchors (supplied by others) may result in product failure and personal injury.
To prevent leaks within the Envirosource Module, the fluid pressure should not exceed
100 psig. For installations using an Envirosource above this rating, a pressure-reducing
valve (supplied by others) is required.