UPS Alarm and Status Messages
LBS Inhibited
With LBS operation enabled, conditions required
to allow LBS operation are not met.
Voltage or Frequency differences sensed by the
LBS control are preventing the ability of LBS to
function correctly.
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Check both Systems and verify normal operation:
a. Both Systems running online on inverter;
b. Neither System in Maintenance Bypass;
c. No Bypass, Input, or Synchronization errors
present on either system.
If the cause of the alarm cannot be determined by
checking both Systems, contact your factory-
authorized service provider.
LBS Operating
Load Bus Synchronization (LBS) is enabled and
is active.
This status message informs the user that one
system in an LBS system has lost its
synchronization source (usually its own Bypass)
and is now synchronized to the other system by
the LBS controls.
This status message is self-clearing. When the
condition is no longer present, the alarm and any
control activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Under normal circumstances, none.
If this message is active, and there is no clear
reason why the LBS circuit should be active, contact
your factory-authorized service provider.
Leading Pwr
With a load of 80% or greater, the controls have
calculated the output Power Factor to be less than
.95 leading.
Leading Power Factors result in wasted energy. If
the Power Factor is less than .95 leading, the
UPS output is de-rated to compensate for output
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Check the Output Meter readings and verify the
Output Power Factor. If the displayed power factor
is less than .95 leading, and the load is greater than
80%, reduce the load or investigate.
Contact your factory-authorized service
Load on Bypass The load is being supplied by bypass. None.
Load on Maint Byp The load is on Maintenance Bypass. None.
Low Batt Capacity
One or more battery circuit breakers are open.
This alarm applies if the system includes more
than one battery circuit breaker, and at least one
is closed, but one or more are open.
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
To clear this alarm, verify all battery breakers are
closed. Investigate any open breakers.
Low Batt
The Battery has reached End of Discharge
There is no longer enough energy left in the
battery to run the Inverter with the current load.
If bypass is available, the UPS attempts to
transfer the load to bypass at EOD.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Once power is restored, attempt a normal restart of
the UPS.
If the restart fails, contact your factory-authorized
service provider.
Low Battery
The battery is nearly depleted, and the unit shuts
down very soon.
The Low Battery Warning setpoint is adjustable
under User Settings. This alarm means the
calculated time remaining on battery is now less
than the Low Battery Warning setpoint.
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal
Check to see if bypass is available by observing the
One-Line Display. Acceptable bypass voltage is
indicated by a green power line feeding the Static
Bypass Switch (BPSS) box.
If bypass is available, press “Transfer,” “Bypass” to
transfer to bypass. If the bypass is qualified, the
UPS transfers to the bypass source.
If bypass is not available, prepare to shut down
critical loads, or remove non-essential loads in
order to extend battery run time so that critical loads
may be shut down in an orderly manner.
Table 7 Liebert NXL alarm and status messages (continued)
Event Message Event Definition Recommended Action