
Maintenance 39
mmonium sulfate) will produce a nominal ORP of 476 +20 mV at 25°C when used with a satu-
rated KCl/AgCl reference electrode and platinum measuring electrode. Some tolerance in mV
values is to be expected due to the rather large liquid reference junction potentials which can
arise when measuring this strongly acidic and concentrated solution. However, if the measuring
electrodes are kept clean and in good operating condition, consistently repeatable calibrations
an be carried out using this standard solution.
5.4.2 Cleaning Platinum Electrode
The electrode can be restored to normal operation by simply cleaning the platinum electrode
with baking soda. Polish it by rubbing it with a damp paper towel and baking soda until a bright,
shiny appearance is attained.
396P + 396PVP Sensors Instruction Manual Section 5: Maintenance
LIQ_MAN_396P_396PVP August 2013