
Chapter 1 System Description 11
ACTURA Flex 48330 Power System User Manual
alarm generated from battery circuit breakers that are switched off in the BCU (for
example when using a BCU in an extension battery cabinet and battery circuit
breakers in the BCU in a main cabinet).
BCU configuration
The BCU configuration is as shown in Table 1-6:
Table 1-6 BCU configuration
Item Function unit Amount
100A CB for battery input 2/3/4/5
Battery connection unit
200A CB for battery input 2/3/4/5
1.5.6 System Cabinet
There are three kinds of cabinets. Their dimensions are 2.0m % 0.6m % 0.6m, 2.0m
% 0.6m % 0.4m and 0.7m % 0.6m % 0.4m respectively.
2.0m % 0.6m % 0.6m cabinet
This cabinet is installed with 1 % MFU, 1 % Rectifier Sub-rack, 1 % BCU and the
following combination of units:
16 Blocks of Telion 12V 165Ah FT batteries or 16 % Hawker 12V 155Ah FT
20 Blocks of Hawker 12V 105Ah FT batteries
16 Blocks of Telion 12V 100Ah FT batteries (20 blocks is preferred, if possible)
16 Blocks of Hawker 12V 105Ah Ft batteries and 6U of unspecified equipment
(such as DC/DC converters or similar)
2.0m % 0.6m % 0.4m cabinet
This cabinet accommodates 1 % MFU,1 % Rectifier Sub-rack, 1 % BCU and the
following combination of units:
16 Blocks of Hawker 12V82F batteries or 16 Blocks of Hawker SBSC11 and
3U available for additional equipment such as DC/DC converters
20 Blocks of EB4 batteries
20 blocks of Hawker 12V82F batteries (20 blocks and BCU is preferred, if possible)
0.7m % 0.6m % 0.4m cabinet
This cabinet accommodates 1 % MFU, 1 % Rectifier Sub-racks and 1 % BCU.
There shall be 3U available for the mounting of additional equipment such as
DC/DC converters. The cabinet should not be installed any battery.