) >CDBE3D9?>(855D
January 2015 LIQ_MAN_ABR_5081C-HT/Rev.G
?EC9>7 Cast aluminum with epoxy coating. Type 4X
(IP65). Neoprene O-ring cover seals. 160.5 mm x 175.3 mm
x 161.3 mm (6.3 in. x 6.9 in. x 6.4 in.)
91=5D5B155.4 mm (6.1 in.)
<53DB931<?>4E9D$@5>9>7C 3/4 in. FNPT
%?G5B (E@@<I 1>4 !?14 A minimum loop resistance
(load) of 250 ohms and a minimum power supply of 18
volts DC is required for digital communication as shown in
the load/power supply graph below.
Main Display is 4 digits, 20 mm tall (0.8 in.)
Message Display is ten digits, 7 mm tall (0.3 in.)
3-wire Pt100 RTD
Conductivity: 0 to 200 °C (32 to 392 °F)
% concentration: 0 to 100 °C (32 to 212°F)
Low Conductivity: 0 to 100 °C (32 to 212 °F)
=295>DD5=@5B1DEB5 -20 to 65° C (-4 to 149° F)
'5<1D9F5E=949DI 0-95% with enclosure sealed.
"'35BD96954 EN61326
Class I, II, III, Div. 1
Groups A-G
T4 Tamb = 70°C, = 62°C (-FF)
Exia Entity
Class I, Groups A-D
Class II, Groups E-G
Class III
T4 Tamb = 70°C
IECEx BAS 09.0159X
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
0600 II 1 G
EEx ia IIC T4
Tamb = -20°C to +65°C
Class I, Div. 2, Groups A-D
Dust Ignition Proof
Class II & III, Div. 1, Groups E-G
Type 4X Enclosure
Class I, Div. 2, Groups A-D
Suitable for Class II, Div. 2, Groups E-G
T4 Tamb = 70°C
Class I, Div. 1, Groups B-D
Class II, Div. 1, Groups E-G
Class III, Div. 1
Class I, Groups B-D
Class II, Groups E-G
Class III
Tamb = 65°C max
"51CEB54'1>75: 0-20,000 µS/cm
33EB13I ± 0.5% of reading and ± 0.001 µS/cm
'5@51D129<9DI ± 0.25% of reading
(D129<9DI 0.25% of output range/month, non-cumulative
=295>D)5=@5B1DEB5?5669395>D ± 0.05% of reading/°C
)5=@5B1DEB5(<?@54:ECD=5>D 0-5%/° C
Other temperature compensation algorithms: ultra-pure
water compensation, cation conductivity, or raw (uncom-
pensated) conductivity.
?=@1D92<5 ') 100W or 1000W with Automatic
!??@ 33EB13I Under controlled laboratory conditions
at 25°C (77°F) with perfectly calibrated ENDURANCE sen-
sor of appropriate cell constant:
E@D?M(3= ± 1.0% and ± 2 least significant digit
6B?=D? ± 2% of reading and ± 2 least sig-
nificant digit
Note: The conductivity values shown in the above chart are for UNCOMPENSATED (or
RAW) conductivity at 25°C. Maximum range values will vary due to temperature com-
pensation selection, process temperature, and other process conditions.
5<<?>CD1>D (E775CD54?>4E3D9F9DI'1>75
0.01/cm up to 50 µS/cm
0.1/cm 1.0 to 500 µS/cm
1.0/cm 10 to 20,000 µS/cm