Alarm Name Possible Causes/Solution
Low Battery Voltage A low battery voltage has been detected on the CPU board. Re-
place the CPU board immediately to avoid losing GC configura-
tion data.
Recommended actions:
1. Save the GC Configuration to a PC.
2. Save any Chromatograms and/or Results to a PC.
3. Power down the GC.
4. Replace the CPU Board.
5. Restore Configuration back to the GC.
Preamp Board 1 Comm Failure Preamp board not detected.
Recommended actions:
1. Power the GC down completely.
2. Check that the board is properly seated in the correct slot
(SLOT 1) on the backplane.
3. Power up the GC.
4. If message appears again, replace the preamp board.
Preamp Board 2 Comm Failure Preamp board not detected.
Recommended actions:
1. Power the GC down completely.
2. Check that the board is properly seated in the correct slot
(SLOT 3) on the backplane.
3. Power up the GC.
4. If message appears again, replace the preamp board.
Heater Solenoid Board 1 Comm
Heater/Solenoid board not detected.
Recommended actions:
1. Power the GC down completely.
2. Check that the board is properly seated in the correct slot
(SLOT 2) on the backplane.
3. Power up the GC.
4. If message appears again, replace the heater/solenoid board.
Heater Solenoid Board 2 Comm
Heater/Solenoid board not detected.
Recommended actions:
1. Power the GC down completely.
2. Check that the board is properly seated in the correct slot
(SLOT 4) on the backplane.
3. Power up the GC.
4. If message appears again, replace the heater/solenoid board.
BaseIO Board Comm Failure Base I/O (Multifunction I/O) board not detected.
Recommended actions:
1. Power the GC down completely.
2. Check that the board is properly seated in the correct slot
(SLOT 5) on the backplane.
3. Power up the GC.
4. If message appears again, replace the Base IO board.
Operation and maintenance