Reference Manual
00809-0100-4697, Rev EA
October 2011
Rosemount 848T
The MAI Function Block supports three modes of operation as defined by the
MODE_BLK parameter:
Manual (Man)
The block output (OUT) may be set manually
Automatic (Auto)
OUT_1 to OUT_8 reflects the analog input measurement or the simulated
value when simulation is enabled.
Out of Service (OOS)
The block is not processed. PV is not updated and the OUT status is set to
Bad: Out of Service. The BLOCK_ERR parameter shows Out of Service.
In this mode, changes can be made to all configurable parameters. The
target mode of a block may be restricted to one or more of the supported
Status Handling
Normally, the status of the PV reflects the status of the measurement value,
the operating condition of the I/O card, and any active alarm condition. In Auto
mode, OUT reflects the value and status quality of the PV. In Man mode, the
OUT status constant limit is set to indicate that the value is a constant and the
OUT status is Good.
If the sensor limit exceeds the high or low side range, PV status is set high or
low and EU range status is set to uncertain.
In the STATUS_OPTS parameter, select from the following options to control
the status handling:
BAD if Limited
Sets the OUT status quality to Bad when the value is higher or lower than
the sensor limits.
Uncertain if Limited
Sets the OUT status quality to Uncertain when the value is higher or lower
than the sensor limits.
Uncertain if in Manual mode
The status of the Output is set to Uncertain when the mode is set to
1. The instrument must be OOS to set the status option.
2. The MAI block only supports the BAD if Limited option.