SAG584622000 System Application Guide
Issue AB, November 18, 2009 Spec. No. 584622000 (Model DCS4830)
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Wiring Notes
Refer also to the next section, Wiring Illustrations.
DC Input (+24V)
♦ Front accessed 1/4-20 x 5/8” studs on 5/8” centers are provided for installation of customer provided DC
input leads terminated in 2-hole lugs.
Ordering Notes
1) DC input lugs must be ordered separately. For lug selection, refer to the following table. Refer also to
the following table for recommended DC input wire size. For additional lug information, refer to drawings
031110100 through 031110300.
2) Customer must provide 1/4-20 hardware to secure lugs to DC input busbars.
Crimp Lug
Recm 90°C
Wire Size
Vendor Part No.
T & B 54206
Burndy YA4CL-2TC14
4 47
Emerson 245346800
T & B 54207
Burndy YA2CL-2TC14
2 74
Emerson 245346900
T & B --
Burndy YA25L-2TC14
1/0 118.9
Emerson 245391400
Wire sizes based on recommendations of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) approved National Fire Protection
Association's (NFPA) National Electrical Code (NEC). Table
310-16 for copper wire at 90°C conductor temperature, operating
in ambient of 30°C was used. For other operating ambient
temperatures, refer to the NEC. For operation in countries
where the NEC is not recognized, follow applicable codes.
Wire sizes listed are sufficient to restrict voltage drop to 1.0 volt
or less at rated full load output current for the loop lengths
shown. Loop length is the sum of the lengths of the positive and
negative leads.
Two-hole lug, 1/4" bolt clearance hole, 5/8" centers. Refer to
drawing 031110100 for lug crimping information.