
Appendix C: Alarm Advisory MessagesC-7
Firmware Is Not Compatible 20 The firmware in a unit controller is not compatible
with the current version of E2.
Firmware Update Failed 10 The firmware on a unit controller was not success-
fully updated.
Flash File Has A Bad CRC Error 50 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Flow obstructed 30 Irrigation pipe obstruction detected.
Fuse Is Blown - ESR8 20 A fuse has blown on an ESR8 board and will require
Global Spare Dig1 On User The Spare Dig 1 input in Global Data has switched
Gradual Change Limit Exceeded User An analog value has undergone a gradual change
greater than its programmed Minimum Change set-
Heap Memory Corrupted - Reboot 30 A problem with memory has resulted in a reset of the
High Discharge Limit Exceeded User A high discharge pressure detected by a Suction
Group application is causing the suction group to
operate at a reduced capacity.
High Limit Alarm User An HVAC application (AHU, Zone, RT-100, or
ARTC/MultiFlex RTU) has a temperature above one
of its cooling setpoints.
High Limit Notice 50 Network variable high limit exceeded.
High Suction Limit Exceeded User The suction pressure has risen above a Suction
Group’s high suction setpoint.
HVAC Phase Loss User A phase loss device connected to Global Data has
switched ON to shut down all HVAC systems.
HVAC Shutdown User A Global Data application’s HVAC Shutdown input
has turned ON to shut down all HVAC systems.
Incomplete Advisory Setup 15, 99 An important setting used in advisory and/or dial-out
set up were not configured correctly.
Inhibit Sensor Failed User A Demand Defrost Inhibit sensor on a case circuit is
not functioning correctly.
Input Bypass Failure 15 A command to bypass an input was not successfully
carried out.
Input Sensor Is Open 20 An analog input sensor is OPEN, possibly due to a
severed connection or sensor failure.
Input Sensor Is Short 20 An analog input sensor is CLOSED, possibly due to a
short-circuit or sensor failure.
Instance limit exceeded 20 Maximum number of a particular type of licensed
Open Echelon controllers has been reached. A new
instance cannot be commissioned.
Invalid Cell ID In Scratch Pad 30 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Invalid Nxt Ptr In Scratch Pad 30 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Invalid Scratch Pad Block Size 30 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Alarm Name