Rosemount Tank Radar REX
Chapter 3 Description of 3900 REX
Installation Manual
308014EN, Edition 4
May 2013
3.1.1 Transmitter Head Electronics
The electronics is mounted in an exchangable unit in the explosion proof
Transmitter Head. A high measurement accuracy is achieved by using
digital reference circuitry, and by controlling the internal temperature by
an internal heater.
The 3900 transmitter head can be used on all types of TRL/2 antennas.
A metrological seal is available to prevent unauthorized changes of
database settings.
Some of the electronic cards shown below are optional and may not be
installed in your transmitter.
Figure 3-2. RTG 3900 transmitter head electronics.
1. X12. Intrinsically safe connec-
tion for auxiliary inputs such as
Slave DAU/RDU, temperature
sensors and analog inputs.
2. X11. Non-intrinsically safe con-
nection for power, communica-
tion and relays.
3. Electronic unit.
4. Ground connection.
Field Communication Card
Signal Processing Card
Analog Processing Card
Transmitter Interface Card
Temperature Multiplexing
Transmitter Rectifier Card