NGA 2000 CLD
Instruction Manual
June 2007
3 - 2 Operation Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co.OHG
After performing start-up and initialization that is described
in Section 3-2, operating variables must be adjusted, i.e.
the Analyzer Module is to be calibrated.
In the following, analyzer function control and calibration
procedure is described step-by-step.
Figure 3-1: Measure Mode Display
After starting up the Analyzer Module, the Measure Mode
Display is displayed as shown in figure 3-1.
To now check back physical parameters of the CLD Ana-
lyzer Module with the values defined in your Test Data
Sheet, that you received with the analyzer, you have to
select the "Physical Measurements"-Menu.
Enter the diagnostics menu "Physical Measurements"
as follows, using the softkeys F1 through F5:
Main (Menu)...
Expert Controls and Setup...
Analyzer Module Setup...
Physical Measurements...
Figure 3-2: Physical Measurements Display
The menu "Physical Measurements" lets you monitor
physical measurement parameters of the CLD analyzer.
During warm-up time of the analyzer, you can observe
temperature values (sensor temperature, block tempera-
ture...) of internal components.
After warm up, check
• Block Temperature
• Detector Temperature
• Converter Temperature
with the operating values given by yout Test Data Sheet.
You will find an excerpt of a Test Data Sheet as an ex-
ample on the next page in figure 3-3.
As long as operating temperatures are not yet
reached by the internal components of the ana-
lyzer, it is not ready for operation. Warm-up can
last up to one hour.
After warm-up or during warm-up procedure of the ana-
lyzer you can connect all gas supply lines to the back of
the analyzer.
Supply gases at the pressures given in the Test Data
Sheet and restrict flow by an external flow limiter to 1.3
through 1.5 l/min.
Internal sample gas and ozonator pressures:
You will find internal physical paramters in the Test
Data Sheet that you have received with the ana-
lyzer. Externally supply gases at the given pres-
sures with an external adjustment.
Option Bypass Flow:
Depending on measuring capillary, bypass flow
should by 900 - 2,000 cc/min. If no bypass is in-
stalled, restrict flow externally to 1.3 - 1.5 l/min.
ppm NO
0.00 10.00Range 1
Sample Flow:
Sample press:
Ozonator: OFF-PRESS. SW.
Converter temp:
1300 ml/min
4.0 hPa
30.9 C
Display Status... Main... Channel BasicCal
Physical Measurements
Sample Capillary Pressure:
Ozone Supply Pressure:
Ozonator Status:
Ozonator Power:
Bypass Flow:
Converter temperature:
Ozonator temperature:
Sensor temperature:
Block temperature:
Capillary Flow Rate:
Pressure limits...
0.000 ppm
0.7 hPa
4.0 hPa
2 ml/min
320 C
51.5 C
1.1 C
51.5 C
199.9 ml/min
Pressure limits...