User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 3. Local Display Menus 97
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" Rect #1" Parameter Settings:
Rectifier ID: Sets the rectifier position in the system.
Rect Phase: Indicates the phase connected to the rectifier input.
Basic Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Battery / Basic
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Battery Group /
Settings Tab.
"Basic" Parameter Settings:
Num Batt Shunts: Sets the number of battery shunts in the system.
Calc Batt Curr: Selects whether or not the ACU+ calculates the battery current in the case
of no battery shunt (load shunt required).
Low Capacity Pt: Battery low capacity alarm set point.
Current Limited: Enables or disables battery charge current limit.
BTRM TempSensor: Sets the BTRM (Battery Thermal Runaway Management)
temperature sensor. Note that this temperature sensor MUST be set as a battery
temperature sensor. Select "None", or the temperature probe (SMTemp8 T8 / ... /
SMTemp8 T1 / ... / SMTemp1 T8 / ... / SMTemp1 T1 / EIB T2 / EIB T1 / IB2 T2 / IB2 T1).
You can also select Maximum or Average which takes the maximum or average reading of
the temperature probes (any of SMTemp8 T8 / ... / SMTemp8 T1 / ... / SMTemp1 T8 / ... /
SMTemp1 T1 / EIB T2 / EIB T1 / IB2 T2 / IB2 T1) set as battery temperature probes. When
used with an SM-BRC, you can select to average the SM-BRC temperature probe
Note: The BTRM sensor is the sensor which is used for the High Temperature Disconnect
(HTD) Feature.
BTRM Temp High2: Allows you to set a high BTRM temperature alarm 2 point. If battery
temperature exceeds the “BTRM Temp High2” setting, system voltage is lowered to the
“BTRM Voltage” setting (if BTRM Action is enabled).
BTRM Temp High1: Allows you to set a high BTRM temperature alarm 1 point.
BTRM Action
Disabled: Disables the Battery Thermal Runaway Management feature.
Lower Voltage: Sets the Battery Thermal Runaway Management feature to reducing
the output voltage when battery temperature exceeds the BTRM Temp setting.
BTRM Voltage: Voltage that the system is set to when battery temperature
exceeds the “BTRM Temp High2” setting.
ABCL Point: The ABCL (Active Battery Charge Current Limit) point is the maximum Li-Ion
battery charging current setting.
Charge Menu
Menu Navigation: Main Menu / Settings / Battery / Charge
Note: For WEB Interface; menu items are found under Device Information / Battery Group /
Settings Tab.
"Charge" Parameter Settings:
Float Voltage: Float Charge output voltage setting.
EQ Voltage: Equalize Charge output voltage setting.