MAS2600: Intrinsically Safe Installation Reference Manual
December 2014 Ed 21
Intrinsic Safety
When connecting equipment in hazardous areas, certain requirements must be fulfilled to comply to
the equipment safety certification and cable installation. There are requirements both for the equip-
ment in the hazardous area on deck and for the associated apparatus in the nonhazardous area.
Safety Certifications
The MAS2600 Level Transmitter is intrinsically safe and meets the requirements of all the major clas-
sification societies. The MAS2600 has the following safety Ex-certifications:
• ATEX: II 2(1) G Ex ia IIC T4
• IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4
The MAS2600 is certified by UL international Demko A/S (certificate DEMKO 11 ATEX 146506X and
IECEx Certificate of Conformity no IECEx ULD 10.0013X) and by UL do Brazil Certificações
no UL-BR 12.0116X).
Intrinsic Safety Principle
Intrinsic safety is based on the principle of restricting electrical energy available in hazardous-area
circuits, so that any sparks or hot surfaces, that may occur as a result of electrical faults in compo-
nents, have too low energy content to cause ignition.
An intrinsic safe environment allows the crew or the service personnel to safely maintain the equip-
ment while the ship is in operation.
Precautions are necessary to maintain in safe environment. Precautions related to installation and
special considerations for safe use are to be found on page 31.