
10 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters
NOC Overview
2.3 NOC application features and options
This section describes several features and options of the NOC application.
2.3.1 Temperature correction
Temperature correction refers to the conversion of data collected at the observed process temperature
to the equivalent values at reference temperature. The NOC application automatically applies
temperature correction to NOC data, using the temperature data from the RTD built into the
Micro Motion sensor.
2.3.2 Pressure compensation
The Series 3000 MVD NOC application can perform two types of pressure compensation:
Pressure compensation for pressure effect
Pressure compensation for oil density and water density
Pressure compensation for pressure effect
Pressure effect is defined as the change in sensor flow tube sensitivity due to the change of process
pressure away from calibration pressure. The Series 3000 transmitter can adjust the sensor’s raw mass
or density measurements to compensate for this pressure effect.
To implement pressure compensation for pressure effect, the following information is required:
Flow factor – the percent change in the flow rate per psi. To obtain this value, see the sensor’s
product data sheet and reverse the sign.
Density factor – the change in fluid density, in g/cm3/psi. To obtain this value, see the sensor’s
product data sheet and reverse the sign.
Calibration pressure – the pressure at which the flowmeter was calibrated (which therefore
defines the pressure at which there will be no pressure effect). Refer to the calibration
document shipped with your sensor. If the data is unavailable, use 20 psi.
Note: For many sensors, the pressure effect is so small that pressure compensation is not required. See
the sensor’s product data sheet.
Pressure compensation for oil density and water density
Due to the presence of gas bubbles, the density of produced oil and water can be affected by pressure.
If pressure compensation for oil density and water density is enabled, the configured reference
densities of oil and water are adjusted as shown in the equation below.
The compensation factor for oil is the value configured for Pressure Compensation for Oil
Density, entered as the density change per unit of pressure change.
The compensation factor for water is 3.0E
()× CompensationFactor×=