• To refresh the list of active or unacknowledged alarms, press Service Tools > Alerts >
Refresh Alerts.
9.4.5 Alarm data in transmitter memory
The transmitter maintains three sets of data for every alarm that is posted.
For each alarm occurrence, the following three sets of data are maintained in transmitter
• Alert List
• Alert Statistics
• Recent Alerts
Alarm data in transmitter memoryTable 9-2:
Alarm data structure Transmitter action if condition occurs
Contents Clearing
Alert List As determined by the alarm status bits, a list
• All currently active alarms
• All previously active alarms that have not
been acknowledged
Cleared and regenerated with every transmit-
ter power cycle
Alert Statistics One record for each alarm (by alarm number)
that has occurred since the last master reset.
Each record contains:
• A count of the number of occurrences
• Timestamps for the most recent posting
and clearing
Not cleared; maintained across transmitter
power cycles
Recent Alerts 50 most recent alarm postings or alarm clear-
Not cleared; maintained across transmitter
power cycles
9.5 Read totalizer and inventory values
Display To read a totalizer or inventory value from the display, it must be configured as a display
ProLink II ProLink > Totalizer Control
ProLink III View the desired variable on the main screen under Process Variables.
Field Communicator Service Tools > Variables > Totalizer Control
Transmitter operation
Configuration and Use Manual 157