MVME3100 Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800M28C)
z If a valid USER boot image is not found, search the active flash bank, possibly interactively,
for a valid MCG boot image; anticipated to be upgrade of MCG firmware. If found, the
image is executed. A return to the boot block code is not anticipated.
z Execute the recovery image of the firmware in the boot block if no valid USER or MCG
image is found
During startup, interactive mode may be entered by either setting the Safe Start
jumper/switch or by sending an <ESC> to the console serial port within five seconds of the
board reset. During interactive mode, the user has the option to display locations at which valid
boot images were discovered, specify which discovered image is to be executed, or specify that
the recovery image in the boot block of the active Flash bank is to be executed.
3.9 Firmware Scan for Boot Image
The scan is performed by examining each 1MB boundary for a defined set of flags that identify
the image as being Power On Self Test (POST), USER, or MCG. MOTLoad is an MCG image. POST
is a user-developed Power On Self Test that would perform a set of diagnostics and then return
to the bootloader image. User would be a boot image, such as the VxWorks bootrom, which
would perform board initialization. A bootable VxWorks kernel would also be a USER image.
Boot images are not restricted to being MB or less in size; however, they must begin on a 1MB
boundary within the 8MB of the scanned flash bank. The Flash Bank Structure is shown below:
Address Usage
0xFFF00000 to 0xFFFFFFFF Boot block. Recovery code
0xFFE00000 to 0XFFFFFFFF Reserved for MCG use.
(MOTLoad update image)
0xFFD00000 to 0xFFDFFFFF
(FBD00000 or F7D00000)
First possible alternate image
(Bank B / Bank A actual)
0xFFC00000 to 0xFFCFFFFF
(FBC00000 or F7C00000)
Second possible alternate image
(Bank B / Bank A actual)
.... Alternate boot images
0xFF899999 to 0xFF8FFFFF
(Fb800000 or F3800000)
Last possible alternate image
(Bank B / Bank A actual)