
A sweet ending to a meal is a lot easier in the microwave oven. Quick to make, delicious to eat, these desserts offer
something for everyone. We have selected those that do well in the microwave oven. Candies, for example, are
excellent when prepared the microwave way.
To get the most even cooking, plan to make desserts in a deep glass pie plate where possible. Use a paper towel as a
cover for bar cookies to equalize the cooking process. It peels off easily when done. Appearances are not what we
are accustomed to seeing, but frosting or a dusting of confectioner's sugar helps create eye appeal.
Crumb pie shells do quite well in the microwave, as do most fruit desserts. To get a head start on pie fillings, simply
heat in a large glass measure; stir well to distribute the heat, then pour into the prepared pie shell.
High sugar mixtures get very hot in the microwave so use great care(and hot pads) when handling.
Sauces and gravies are foolproof when made in the
microwave oven. Scorching, sticking, overcooking are no
longer problems when the sauces are cooked in a glass
measure with a handle. The sauce cooks more evenly, but it
is pourable. Select a sizable utensil that is double the size of
the recipe to allow for bubbling up and prevent spilling
It is important to stir frequently to prevent lumps, especially
after mixture has boiled. A whisk is helpful to stir cooked
areas into those that are not yet thickened. Stir before
serving as well.
Sauces add a nice touch of variety to menus. They can be
made ahead and stored covered in the refrigerator until
ready to reheat and serve. If you wish to add a sauce or
gravy to cooked meats, it is best to heat the sauce fully first,
then add the meat and cook for 1 to 2 minutes to heat
thoroughly. This method prevents overcooking the meat.
Our versatile collection of sauces will enhance your main
dishes and even desserts for creative menu planning.