Installation and Use Manual 51
Meter Verification Transmitter TerminalsData LoggerTransmitter Configuration
Chapter 5
Transmitter Configuration, Characterization,
and Calibration
5.1 Overview
This chapter describes:
• Saving and loading transmitter configuration files
• Configuring a transmitter
• Using the Gas Unit Configurator utility
• Characterizing a transmitter
• Calibrating a transmitter for pressure
• Calibrating a transmitter for temperature
• Configuring pressure compensation
• Configuring temperature compensation
• Setting up polling
5.2 Using configuration files
ProLink II can read your transmitter’s configuration and save it to a file on your PC. This file can then
be loaded back to the same transmitter, loaded to another transmitter of the same type, and saved for
backup and reference. Micro Motion recommends this step for all transmitters accessible through
ProLink II.
5.2.1 Saving a configuration file to a PC
To save a configuration file to a PC:
1. Open the
File menu.
2. Click
Load from Xmtr to File.
3. In the dialog box that appears, specify a name and location for the configuration file, and click
Save. Be sure to specify a unique name.
4. Click
Download Configuration.
5. When the load is complete, click
This file is now available on your PC for copying, saving, sending, and reloading.