Monitor: MPC860P-Specific Functions
10002367-02 PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual
The function VecInit initializes all entries in the interrupt table to reference the unexpected
interrupt handler. This ensures that the board will not hang when unexpected interrupts
are received. The unexpected interrupt handler saves the state of the processor at the point
the interrupt was detected and then calls the IntrErr function, which displays the error and
restarts the monitor.
The function ConnectHandler initializes the entry in the vector table to point to the Handler
address. The argument Vector indicates the vector number to be connected and the argu-
ment Handler is the address of the function that will handle the interrupts. With this struc-
ture, assembly language programming for interrupts is avoided. ConnectHandler
HANDLERSTRUCT, which is the existing handler information.
The function DisConnectHandler modifies the interrupt table entry associated with Vector
to use the unexpected interrupt handler. It also de-allocates the memory used for the inter-
rupt wrapper allocated by ConnectHandler. Because both ConnectHandler and DisCon-
nectHandler use the Malloc and Free facilities, it is necessary for memory management to
be initialized.
The function probe accesses memory locations that may or may not result in bus error. This
function returns TRUE if the location was accessed and FALSE if the access resulted in a bus
error. The argument DirFlag indicates whether a read (0) or a write (1) should be attempted.
The argument SizeFlag selects either a byte access (1), a word access (2), or a long access
(4). The argument Address indicates the address to be accessed, and the argument Data is a
pointer to the read or write data.
0x27 Software Interrupt level 3
0x28 Hardware interrupt level 4 (IRQ4*)
0x29 Software Interrupt level 4
0x2a Hardware interrupt level 5 (IRQ5*)
0x2b Software Interrupt level 5
0x2c Hardware interrupt level 6 (IRQ6*)
0x2d Software Interrupt level 6
0x2e Hardware interrupt level 7 (IRQ7*)
0x2f Software Interrupt level 7
0x30 PCI9060ES LINTO*
0x31 PCI9060ES LSERR*
Vector: Cause of Exception: (continued)