Micro Motion
Series 3000 Transmitters and Discrete Controllers 7
Output signals continued
Fault indication
When a fault is detected, outputs go to configured states. User can select upscale, downscale, internal zero, or none. Milliamp
outputs conform to NAMUR NE43 (June 1994).
Upscale Milliamp 21 to 24 mA, user configurable
Frequency 15,000 Hz
Downscale Milliamp 1 to 3.6 mA, user configurable
Frequency 0 Hz
Internal zero Drives the mA and frequency outputs for process variables to zero values
None Ignores fault conditions
Digital communications
RS-485 port One pair of terminals supports SP (service port) mode or RS-485 mode. On device power-up, the
user has 10 seconds to connect in SP mode. After 10 seconds, the terminals switch to RS-485
mode. The communication parameters in SP mode are:
Data rate 38,400 baud
Parity No parity
Stop bit One stop bit
Address 111
In RS-485 mode, the Series 3000 can communicate via Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, or HART
protocols. The communication parameters are configurable with ProLink II software, Modbus, or
the display. The shipped default parameters are:
(1) Using HART, it is possible to configure basic transmitter functionality, and read/write batch setpoints and totals. Series 3000 batch
applications or enhanced density applications cannot be configured using HART. Using Modbus, all transmitter functionality, batch
commands, and batch applications can be controlled.
Data rate 9600 baud
Parity Odd
Stop bit One stop bit
The RS-485 port can also be configured as a printer port (see below).
HART Bell 202
The HART Bell 202 signal is superimposed on the primary mA output, and is available for host
system interface. The HART Bell 202 communication parameters are:
Frequency 1.2 and 2.2 KHz
Amplitude 0.8 mA peak-to-peak
Data rate 1200 baud
Resistance Loop requires 250 to 600 Ohms resistance
Printer port The RS-485 port can be configured as a printer port. When the RS-485 port is
configured as a printer port, it cannot be used for any other function.
Requires external RS-232 adapter (not included)
Bidirectional with Epson printer; send only with all other printers and when using a multidrop