7.9 Reporting a Problem
If a problem occurs within the Liebert FS, review all alarm messages along with other pertinent data.
This information should be given by telephone to the Liebert service representative’s office nearest
you. This information can be downloaded to Liebert Global Services by using the optional modem.
Contact Liebert Global Services at 1-800-LIEBERT to report a problem or to request assistance.
7.10 Corrective Actions
For each alarm message on the operator control panel, you can find the recommended corrective
action in Table 16.
7.11 Recommended Test Equipment
Table 13 lists recommended test equipment and tools required to maintain, troubleshoot and repair
the Liebert FS. You may substitute instruments of equivalent range and accuracy.
All instruments should be calibrated and be within the current calibration cycle. Calibration data for
the instruments should be maintained in equipment-history files and the instruments labeled for
audit and verification.
7.12 Limited Life Components
Your Liebert FS has a design life well in excess of 15 years. Well-maintained units can continue to
provide economic benefits for 20 years or more. Long-life components are used in your Liebert FS
wherever practical and cost-effective.
However, due to current component material and manufacturing technology limitations, a few compo-
nents in your Liebert FS will wear out and require replacement in less than 10 years. The following
limited-life components are utilized in your Liebert FS. In order to prevent a wear-out failure of one of
these components affecting your critical load operations, it is recommended these components be peri-
odically inspected and replaced before their expected wear-out life. Individual users may have site-
specific requirements that differ from these typical life expectations.
Power capacitors are considered “failed” when their measured capacitance is –5% below their name-
plate rating.
In most cases, replacement components must exactly match the original component specifications and
are not readily available from third-party component distributors. For assistance with your specific
component specifications, replacement component selection and sourcing, call 1-800-Liebert.
For customers using Liebert Global Services’ Preventive Maintenance Services, periodic inspection of
these components are part of this service as is recommending to customers replacement intervals to
avoid interruptions in critical load operations.
Table 13 Recommended test equipment and tools
Qty Test Equipment Manufacturer Model or Type
1 Oscilloscope Tektronix, H-P or Fluke DC to 50 MHz
2 Voltage Probes Tektronix, H-P or Fluke 10X, with 10 ft cable
2 Voltage Probes Tektronix, H-P or Fluke 100X, with 10 ft cable
1 Digital Multi-meter Fluke 87, with test leads
1 Tool Kit N/A Standard electrical contractor tools
Table 14 Projected component life, replacement schedule
Component Expected Life Replace in:
Power DC filter capacitors About 7 years 5-6 years
Air filters, disposable
(see also 7.6 - Optional Air Filters)
1-3 years Check 4 times/year