Advanced Microprocessor Controls Setup
3.3 Main Menu (AM)—Status/Alarm Data
Selecting STATUS/ALARM DATA from the Main Menu will display the following selections:
3.3.1 Active Alarms
This screen, a submenu of Status/Alarm Data, displays any active alarm. The alarms are numbered,
#1 being the most recent. If there are no active alarms, then “NO ALARMS PRESENT” will be dis-
3.3.2 Operating Status
The Operating Status submenu of Status/Alarm Data informs the user what the control is calling for
the system to do.
For example: The display indicates the chilled water valve is 68% open. On a new call for cooling, it
takes several seconds for the valve to travel from fully closed to 68% open. So when the display reads
68%, it may take a few seconds for the valve to actually open 68%. Also, if the display indicates a com-
pressor is operating but the compressor has not turned on yet, it may be off because of the short cycle
control (see 5.3.1 - Short Cycle Control).
3.3.3 Alarm History Log
The Alarm History Log, submenu of Status/Alarm Data, employs nonvolatile memory to retain the
unit’s 10 most recent alarms along with the date and time each occurred. The first alarm in the His-
tory Log is the most recent, and the tenth is the oldest. If the alarm history is full—showing 10
alarms—and a new alarm occurs, the oldest is lost and the newest is saved, becoming the first in the
list in alarm history location 1. The rest are moved down the list by one position—the second alarm
becomes the third and so on. The Alarm History Log on a new unit may show the results of factory
testing. Check the unit delivery date to see if this is the case.
3.3.4 Run Hours Log
The total operating hours of all major components in the unit can be monitored from this display, a
submenu of Status/Alarm Data. The information is retained in nonvolatile memory. Run times are
available for the following:
• C1: compressor 1
• C2: compressor 2
Coil (or Dual Cool Coil)
• HUM: humidifier
• RH1: reheat 1 (or Hot Water Reheat)
•RH2: reheat 2
•RH3: reheat 3
• CW: Chilled Water Coil
The component run hours for each individual component can be reset by selecting the run hours dis-
play screen for the desired component, then pressing ENTER within five (5) minutes of applying
power to the control. The user will then be prompted to press ENTER to clear the selected compo-
nent's run hours.
There may be some time lapse before a specific component matches the displayed number.
Run hours for a component should only be reset when the component has been replaced.