Object Type Type Enumeration Instance Name Enumeration
Analog Value 2 1 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Occupied Cool.Present_Value Occupied Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Standby Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 2 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Unoccupied Cool.Present_Value Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 3 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Occupied Heat.Present_Value Occupied Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Standby Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 4 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Unoccupied Heat.Present_Value Unoccupied Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Minimum Cooling Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Maximum Heating Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Analog Input 0 1 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Space Temp.Present_Value
Space or Zone Temperature Value (Read Only)
Analog Input 0 2 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Discharge Air Temp.Present_Value Discharge Air Temp Field Supplied Only (Read Only)
Analog Input 0 3 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Effective Clg Setpt.Present_Value Effective Cooling Setpoint Value (Read Only)
Analog Output 1 4 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Space temp Ovrd.Present_Value
Space or Zone Temperature Value Override(Write)
Analog Input 0 4 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Effective Htg Setpt.Present_Value Effective Heating Setpoint Value (Read Only)
Analog Value 2 9 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Dehumidify Setpt.Present_Value Dehumidification Setpoint (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 10 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Low Temp Limit Adj.Present_Value Heating Freeze Protection Temperature Setpoint Value (Read/Write)
Heating Freeze Protection Temperature Setpoint Value (Read/Write)
1st Stage Compressor Heating Output (Read Only)
1st Stage Compressor Cooling Output (Read Only)
Fan Output (Read Only)
Multistate Input 13 2 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Mode.Present_Value Unit Mode of Operation (Read Only)
Unit Alarm mode (Read Only)
Heating/Cooling Prop Band Input (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 6 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Remote Setpt Span.Present_Value Warm/Cool Adjust Span (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 7 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Remote Setpt Bias.Present_Value Warm/Cool Adjust Offset Value (Read/Write)
Analog Value 2 8 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Space Temp Offset.Present_Value Space or Zone Temperature Sensor Calibration Input (Read/Write)
Analog Output 1 1 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Space Setpoint.Present_Value General Setpoint Input (Read/Write)
Analog Input 0 6 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Water Coil Temp.Present_Value Heating Freeze Sensing Temperature Value (Read Only)
Analog Input 0 7 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Low Temp Limit.Present_Value Heating Freeze Sensing Temperature Setpoint Value (Read Only)
Analog Input 0 9 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Alarms Enumerated.Present_Value
Alarms Enumerated [0=no alarms, 1=condensate alarm, 2=Compressor Hi Discharge
Pressure alarm, 3=Compressor low Suction Pressure alarm, 4=Freeze sensing
alarm, 8=Faulty Freeze Sensor alarm,
9=Loss of Charge]
(Read Only)
Analog Input 0 8 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.ECM Cmd Output.Present_Value ECM PWM Control signal value (Read Only)
Analog Output 1 2 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.ECM Fan Ovrd.Present_Value ECM PWM Control signal Override (Read/Write)
Analog Input 0 5 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Space Humidity.Present_Value Space Humidity value (Read Only)
Analog Output 1 3 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.AO2 Override.Present_Value Spare PWM Output AO2 Command (Write)
Analog Input 0 10 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.AO2 Value.Present_Value Spare PWM Output AO2 Value (Read Only)
Analog Value 2 5 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Temporary Occ Time.Present_Value Temporary Occupancy Time Period Input (Read/Write)
Multistate Input 13 1 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Effective Occupancy.Present_Value Effective Occupancy State (Read Only)
Multistate Output 14 1 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Occupancy Command.Present_Value Occupancy Override Command Input (Read/Write)
Multistate Output 14 6 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Emergency Override.Present_Value Emergency Override Input (Read/Write)
Binary Input 3 1 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Fan Cmd Status.Present_Value Fan Output Status (Read Only)
Binary Input 3 6 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Accessory 2 Output.Present_Value Accessory 2 Output Status (Read Only)
Binary Input 3 5 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Accessory 1 Output.Present_Value Accessory 1 Output Status (Read Only)
Binary Input 3 8 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Alarm Status.Present_Value Alarm Output Status (Read Only)
Multistate Output 14 7 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Alarm Reset.Present_Value Alarm Reset Input (Read/Write)
Multistate Output 14 2 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Fan Command (G).Present_Value Network equivelant of a thermostatic 'G' call. (Write)
Multistate Output 14 3 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Compressor Cmd (Y1).Present_Value Network equivelant of a thermostatic 'Y1' call. (Write)
Multistate Output 14 3 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Compressor Cmd (Y2).Present_Value Network equivelant of a thermostatic 'Y2' call. (Write)
Binary Input 3 4 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Reversing Valve.Present_Value Reversing Valve Output Status (Read Only)
Occupancy Supervisory Scheduler Command Input (Read/Write)
Compressor/Fan Proving Switch Status (Read Only)
Binary Input 3 7 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Dirty Filter (BI-12).Present_Value Dirty Filter Switch Status (Read Only)
Binary Input 3 3 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Comp Hi Capacity Cmd.Present_Value Compressor Hi Capacity Command Status (Read Only)
Multistate Output 14 8 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Emergency Heat BO5.Present_Value Command for output BO5 used for Emg Heat-Interlocked with Fan DP9Read/Write)
Multistate Output 14 9 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.BO9.Present_Value Command for output BO9(Read/Write)
Binary Input 3 9 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.BO5 Output.Present_Value Value output for BO5 used for Emg Heat (Read Only)
Binary Input 3 10 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.BO9 Output.Present_Value Value output for BO9 (Read Only)
Multistate Output 14 10 Present_Value 85 WFI##########.Dehum Cmd.Present_Value Dehumidification command-like a Humidistat (Read/Write)
Point Description
Object Identifier Property
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