
RP-U420 Miscellaneous commands DLE ENQ
Ver. 1.0
p. 75
DLE ENQ 1 restarts printing from the line where the error occurred.
This command is available only for recoverable errors other than a print head temperature error.
DLE ENQ 2 enables the printer to recover from an error after clearing the data in the receive and print
buffers. The printer retains the settings (from ESC!, ESC R, for example) that were in effect when the
error occurred. Using DLE ENQ 2 and ESC @, the printer can be completely initialized. DLE ENQ 2 is
available only for recoverable errors other than a print head temperature error.
The printer selects both receipt and journal as the print sheet after recovering from an error by using DLE
ENQ 2.
DLE ENQ 3 is available only when the printer is waiting for the insertion of validation paper and is
ignored in other states. After the printer is released from the cut sheet waiting state, both receipt and
journal are selected as the print sheet.
When the cut sheet waiting state is canceled by DEL ENQ 3, the data in the receive and print buffers is
DLE ENQ 1 and DLE ENQ 2 are enabled, even if the printer is canceled by ESC =.
Program Example
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H10);CHR$(&H5);CHR$(2);