5. Slide the edge guide against the paper, but not too tightly.
6. Flip the feeder guard back.
Always follow these paper loading guidelines:
• Load only the recommended number of sheets.
• Load paper short edge first, no matter which way your document faces.
• Load letterhead or pre-printed paper top edge first.
• Do not load paper above the arrow mark inside the edge guide.
• Check the paper package for any additional loading instructions.
• If you use paper with binder holes, load only one sheet at a time and use only these sizes: Letter
(8.5 × 11 inches [216 × 279 mm]), A4 (8.3 × 11.7 inches [210 × 297 mm]), or Legal (8.5 × 14 inches
[216 × 356 mm]).
Parent topic: Loading Paper
Related references
Paper Loading Capacity
Paper Loading Capacity
Paper type Loading capacity
Plain paper - Letter (8.5 × 11 inches Approximately 100 sheets *
[216 × 279 mm]) or A4 (8.3 × 11.7 inches
[210 × 297 mm]) **