Operating the Equipment Locally
Table 3.16 Setting Low delay mode
Step Action Result
Go to Menu 3.1.15 and edit
the option displayed. (LOW
Press Save
Gains access to the low delay option. There is a
choice between low delay and normal mode.
3.7.8 Selecting the Audio Component Introduction
Automatic audio component selection is based on component order in the PMT as
• Audio 1 selects the first component in the PMT, Audio 2 selects the second
component, Audio 3 selects the third component and Audio 4 selects the fourth
• Audio 1 does not select the same component as Audio 2 and vice-versa when
component-PIDs are reordered in a new PMT.
• Coding type and language are manually selectable through the User PID and
type parameters. Selecting the Audio Manually
It is possible to manually select any audio component from the active Service by
using the front panel controls or via the remote control interface. Select one of the
audio components in the list or enter the correct PID. Table 3.17 describes the
procedure for selecting a component.
Table 3.17 Manually Selecting the Audio Components
Step Action Result
Go to the Menu 3.2 and press
Edit. Select between Standard
(the default for most
applications) and AAC Downmix
+ 5.1decode.
Selects if the user wishes to do a AAC5.1
decode or not.
Go to the Menu 3.3 and press
Edit. Select one of the audio
streams or enter an audio PID.
Selects the audio component.
Scroll to Menu 3.3.3 and edit the
Audio 1 delay adjustment (range
± 0 to 49.5ms). Press Save.
Edits the Audio 1 delay adjustment.
EN/LZT 790 0003/2 R1A