PHÖNIX Messtechnik GmbH, Salzschlirferstr. 13, D-60386 Frankfurt/M., Germany, Tel: +49/69/416742 -20, Fax: -29
2 Mounting instructions
2.1 Delivery
The PHÖNIX type 740.0060/65 level switch can be delivered in the configurations shown below:
Fig. 3a: as delivered
Fig. 3b: with inverted switching di-
2.2 Reversing the direction of switching
A reversal of the direction of switching involves the opposite switching function. Please note that the ca-
ble-gland is always directed downwards, as shown in fig. 3a and 3b.
• Remove the switch cover
Remove the safety access panel (type 740.0060 only)
• If necessary remove all connecting wires from the terminal
Take off screw, hexagon bolt and - for aluminium housing - the earth terminal
• After turning the circuit board 180° remount with screws , hexagon bolt and.- for aluminium housing-
the earth terminal.
• Reconnect the wires into the terminal
Put on the safety access panel (type 740.0060 only, very important !!)