Dwell time: default is 2 sec; It can be changed by EVF Keyboard Set + A.Pan
setting dwell time of A pos or B pos.
99 => Auto scan (360 degree)
Default speed is 32. It can be changed by EVF Keyboard (Shift + A.Pan setting
We can even set camera’s ICR Day/Night function with RS-485 command via
keyboard. How to do this? Press Position + 88 to link to Day mode or Position + 89
to link to Night mode, “ICR AUTO” message will be shown on the right-bottom part
of the screen. If OSD Day/Night ICR mode is “AUTO”, it cannot be controlled by
preset position setting.
Set the parameter of a preset position: Press Set + Position to set the parameter
of a preset position. You can set the going-to speed (1~239), dwell time (1~239
seconds), and the title of the position. Shift the joystick Right/Left to change bits,
and shift the Joystick Up/Down to change the alphanumeric characteristic. The
available alphanumeric characteristics are 0~9, A~Z, &, ?, !, :, ‘, ., ,, /, -, and a
Delete a preset position: Press Clr + Position to delete a preset position. The
system will ask you to enter the position number that you would like to delete, and
then press Enter.
4.4. Tour Mode
In the tour mode, you can set a tour for viewing. There are 16 tours can be set, and 16
preset positions in a tour.
One-way tour Mode: Press Tour to enter the tour mode. The system will ask you