Technology Breakthrough
Electric's ED Series
UVS Plus
is more than
an international voltage/frequency converter, voltage
regulator or line conditioner. Its unique features will
significantly improve your equipment's reliability, virtually
eliminating power-related downtime and dramatically
increasing productivity. Its small size and lightweight
construction makes it ideal for OEM and integrated
Unique Frequency Converter & UPS Capability
The ED Series provides unique flexibility in a small
footprint. The ED Series can be factory configured as a
pure frequency converter accepting a 50, 60 & 400Hz input
and yielding a fixed 50 or 60Hz output. It can also supply a
400Hz, 120V output if properly derated. The ED can be
configured as an international converter, making it an ideal
solution for those tough applications requiring both voltage
and frequency conversions. A battery system may be
added to most models, turning it into a true Regenerative
On-line UPS.
Superior Voltage/Frequency Regulation &
Extended Brownout Protection
Since the ED Series is a solid-state generator, it prevents
daily power disturbances from reaching your equipment.
Constant voltage transformers, line conditioners and other
devices are not designed to prevent damage from these
The ED continually regenerates new, clean AC power in
pure sinewave form for superior protection. Even with wide
input variations in voltage and frequency, the ED Series
UVS Plus's output steadfastly remains at its designed
voltage and frequency. It also allows your system to
continuously operate during extended brownouts to 88 VAC.
Enhanced Surge Start-up Capability
Falcon Electric's ED Series is designed to start loads that
exhibit up to 1000% inrush current when started from utility.
This gives the ED the ability to start tough loads such as
motors, multiple computers or incandescent lighting.
Converts Generator Output Into Computer-Grade
Due to its Regenerative On-line design, the ED Series
regenerates new, clean computer-grade power with tightly
regulated voltage and frequency, independent of generator
voltage and frequency drift.
Ideal for applications such as:
Military & Aerospace
Aircraft Frequency Conversion
Off Shore Platforms
Shipboard Systems
Automated Manufacturing
Test Equipment Benches
Precision Motor Speed Application
Mobile Office/Labs
Falcon Electric, Inc. - 5106 Azusa Canyon Rd. - Irwindale, CA 91706 - 800.842.6940 Fax 626.962.7720
www.falconups.com - email: sales@falconups.com
True Double Conversion Design
Precision Output Voltage & Frequency
Pure Sinewave Output
Wide Input Frequency Range
50, 60 & 400Hz Frequency Conversion
Voltage Conversion Models Available
Eliminates Generator Frequency & Voltage Drift
Superior Brownout, Surge and Transient Protection
Battery Backed Up Models Available
ED Series
1kVA to 4kVA
Voltage & Frequency Converters
Uninterruptible Power Systems
& Power Conversion Products