Customer Care
In Ireland if you need assistance…*
Phone: 1800 625 174 or 01-8077960
Fax: 1800 635 012
Email: customer.care@fisherpaykel.ie
Postal address: Fisher & Paykel Appliances, Unit D2, North Dublin Corporate Park, Swords,
Co. Dublin
For the rest of the world…*
Call your Fisher & Paykel Retailer/Dealer from whom you purchased the product. They are trained
to provide information on your appliance. If we can be of any further help, please contact us on:
Phone: +64 9 273 0660
Fax: +64 9 273 0580
Email: international.enquiries@fp.co.nz
Postal address: Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd, PO Box 58732, Botany, Manukau 2163, Auckland,
Feel free to contact us at our website on
*If you call, write or contact our website please provide: your name and address, model number,
serial number, date of purchase and a complete description of the problem. This information is
needed in order to better respond to your request for assistance.
Product details
Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd
Model/Serial No.
Date of Purchase Purchaser
Dealer Suburb
Town Country