ActiveSmart™ operating instructions
Key Mute (all models)
KEY MUTE allows you to silence all button presses.
To activate KEY MUTE and silence buttons, press and hold the button for 4 seconds.
The icon on the internal control panel will be illuminated.
The keys will be silenced when KEY MUTE is activated.
Door alarms and BOTTLE CHILL alarm will still operate.
KEY MUTE will not automatically deactivate. To manually deactivate, press and hold the
button for 4seconds.
The icon will no longer be illuminated.
Key Lock (all models)
KEY LOCK allows you to disable the buttons on the internal control panel. This is useful when
cleaning your refrigerator.
To activate KEY LOCK press and hold the and buttons for 4seconds.
The icon on the internal control panel will be illuminated.
Pressing any of the buttons will cause a raspberry beep to tell you that they are disabled.
KEY LOCK will not automatically deactivate. To manually deactivate, press and hold the
and buttons for 4 seconds.
The icon will no longer be illuminated.
Sabbath mode activation (all models)
To activate SABBATH MODE, open the door(s) of the fresh food compartment and freezer
compartment and then press and hold the
and buttons on the internal control
panel for 4seconds.
The candle icon will illuminate when SABBATH MODE has been activated.
When the product is in Sabbath mode:
The icon on the internal control panel will be illuminated.
All lights on the internal control panel except for the candle icon will be off.
The fresh food or freezer compartment lights will not operate when the door(s) is opened.
The door alarms will not operate.
The internal control panel will not function except to indicate SABBATH MODE is active as
stated above.
Opening the door(s) will not affect the compressor or fans.
If the power to the refrigerator is turned off whilst in this mode, the product will continue in
SABBATH MODE when the power is restored.
SABBATH MODE will automatically de-activate 80 hours after activation.
To de-activate earlier than 80 hours press and hold the and buttons for 4seconds.
The candle icon will no longer illuminate on the internal control panel (and external display for
Ice & Water models) and functionality of the internal control panel will return to normal.