Installation instructions
DO NOT use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality.
WARNING – connect to potable water supply only.
DO NOT install on line pressure above 827 kPa (119 psi) or below 150 kPa (22 psi).
DO NOT use on hot water supply (25°C (77°F) max).
DO NOT cut any length of tube shorter than 200 mm (8”).
DO NOT install near electrical wires or water pipes that will be in the path of drilling when
selecting the location of the filter system.
DO NOT mount the filter in such a position that it will be struck by other items, such as
wastebaskets, etc.
DO NOT install the filter or any water tubing in direct sunlight as prolonged exposure to light can
weaken plastic components.
DO NOT install the filter in a location that is susceptible to freezing temperatures as damage to
the filter housing could occur.
DO NOT screw the filter to the refrigerator.
DO NOT install the filter or any water tubing in high temperature areas eg in a ceiling cavity.
AVOID contamination of pipes during installation.
DO NOT use copper tubing. The plastic tubing supplied should always be used.
DO NOT continuously dispense water for a period longer than 2 minutes.