Out-of-Balance recovery routine
When your AquaSmart™ is spinning it can sense if the
wash load is out-of-balance and will stop and re-try
spinning up to 3 times. If it still senses an unbalanced
load there are two options the machine can take.
Automatic Recovery option
Your AquaSmart™ will try to automatically correct the
out-of-balance load. It will fill with water and agitate to
redistribute the load before trying to spin up again.
Machine Stops option
Your AquaSmart™ will stop, give a short burst of beeps
every 5 seconds, and the spin speed lights will flash. You
must redistribute the load more evenly yourself. (Use
this option if you wish to conserve water).
light on = automatic recovery
light off = machine stops
Fig.17 Adjusting Out-of-Balance
recovery routine
Changing pre-set options
Your washer arrived with the ‘Machine Stops’ option set.
Enter Options Adjustment mode (refer to page 20).
Select SOAK to program your AquaSmart™ to
automatically recover.
Press POWER to save your selection.
Reset Back to Factory Settings
If you would like to reset all settings back to those that
were set when your AquaSmart™ left the factory you have
the option of selecting RESET DEFAULTS.
Enter Option Adjust Mode (refer to page 20).
Press and hold the START /PAUSE button until you hear
one quick beep. This indicates that all settings have been
returned to the factory default settings.
Fig.18 Resetting factory defaults