Digital Multimeters
Basic Maintenance
Accuracy Specifications (cont)
Function Range Resolution
± ([% of Reading] + [Counts])
Hz (V or A input)
99.99 Hz
999.9 Hz
9.999 kHz
50.00 kHz
0.01 Hz
0.1 Hz
0.001 kHz
0.01 kHz
0.1 % + 2 115, 116, 117
[1] Models listed in this column also refer to the “C” version of the model. For example, those rows containing model 115 are applicable to the 115C
as well.
[2] All ac ranges except Auto-V LoZ are specified from 1 % to 100% of range. Auto-V LoZ is specified from 0.0 V. Because inputs below 1 % of range
are not specified, it is normal for this and other true-rms meters to display non-zero readings when the test leads are disconnected from a circuit
or are shorted together. For volts, crest factor of ≤3 at 4000 counts, decreasing linearly to 1.5 at full scale. For amps, crest factor of ≤3. AC volts is
ac-coupled. Auto-V LoZ, AC mV, AC μamps, and AC amps are dc-coupled.
[3] AC Volts Hz is ac-coupled and specified from 5 Hz to 50 kHz. AC Amps Hz is dc-coupled and specified from 45 Hz to 5 kHz.
[4] >10 A unspecified.
[5] Temperature uncertainty (accuracy) does not include the error of the thermocouple probe.
Input Characteristics
Function Input Impedance (Nominal)
Common Mode Rejection Ratio
(1 kΩ Unbalanced)
Normal Mode Rejection
Volts AC >5 MΩ <100 pF >60 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz
Volts DC >10 MΩ <100 pF >100 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz >60 dB at 50 or 60 Hz
Auto-V LoZ ~3 kΩ <500 pF >60 dB at dc, 50 or 60 Hz
Open Circuit Test Voltage Full Scale Voltage Short Circuit Current
To 6.0 MΩ 40 MΩ
<2.7 V dc
<0.7 V dc <0.9 V dc
<350 μA
Diode Test <2.7 V dc 2.000 V dc <1.2 mA
Basic Maintenance
Testing the Fuse (115 & 117 only)
To test the fuse:
1. Set the rotary switch to
2. Plug a test lead into the v jack and touch the probe to the 10A jack, as shown in Figure 1.
If the display shows a resistance value in the range of that shown in Figure 1, the fuse is good.
If the display reads 0L, replace the fuse and test again.
If the display shows any other value, have the Meter serviced. See “Service Information” earlier in this document.