5.5 Accessories
The 1521's accessories and their features are described here.
AC Adapter-The AC adapter recharges the internal battery pack and can also
be used to supply power to operate the 1521 while the battery is being charged
(see Section 6.2).
Serial Cable-The serial cable can be used to connect a computer or a printer to
the 1521 through its serial port (see Section 8).
INFO-CON Connector-Hart’s unique INFO-CON connector allows the probe
to be easily attached and detached from the 1521. It also contains a memory de
vice that stores information about the probe and automatically transfers
this data to the 1521 when the probe is attached. This ensures that the set
tings used to measure and calculate temperature always match the probe being
used (see Section 6.6).
Probe-The probe acts as the temperature sensor. Its resistance depends on its
temperature. The 1521 precisely measures the resistance of the probe and uses
the coefficients stored in the INFO-CON connector to calculate its temperature
(see Section 6.5). The following probe options are available.
5 Parts and Controls
Figure 3 INFO-CON Connector