a) Set up the terminal program to use the correct COM port and operate
at 2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.
b) If you want to save the downloaded data to a file, configure your ter
minal program to capture the incoming text and save it to a text file.
Refer to your terminal program's documentation for details on how to
do this.
3. To determine how many autologged readings are stored in the instru
ment's memory, send the command "ALOG". If the response to the
"ALOG" command is "0", there are no readings to download.
4. To begin downloading the autologged data, send the command "DAUT"
to initiate the download process. The 1522 then sends a response to the
terminal program indicating that the baud rate needs to be set to 9600.
The 1522 automatically switches its baud rate to 9600 baud and waits to
receive this same command again at 9600 baud.
a) In the terminal program, change the baud rate setting to 9600 baud.
The terminal program connection may need to be disconnected and
reconnected to enable the baud rate.
b) Send the command "DAUT" once again at the new baud rate. The
1522 should immediately begin downloading the data at 9600 baud. If
no readings have been stored, the 1522 will not respond to "DAUT"
c) When downloading is complete, the 1522 automatically sets its baud
rate back to 2400 baud.
d) If the terminal program was set to capture the incoming data to a file,
stop capturing at this time.
e) In the terminal program, change the baud rate setting back to 2400
f) If you wish to abort the download process before it has completed,
press 'CLR' on the front panel of the 1522. The 1522 sets its baud rate
back to 2400 baud automatically. Reset the terminal program's baud
rate to 2400 baud.
5. If the response to the "ALOG" command was not "0" and the 1522 does
not respond to the "DAUT" command, turn the 1522 off, then back on
again and repeat steps 3-4.
11.3 Placement of Infrared Dongle for IR Data
The 2374 IR Dongle should be placed no further than 0.5 meters away from the
infrared window on the 1522 and within a ±15° angle. Placement of the IR
dongle within the triangle area shown below will allow correct data transmis
11 Troubleshooting
Placement of Infrared Dongle for IR Data Transfer