1551A/1552A Ex
Users Manual
Display Resolution
Display resolution is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The settings
are 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001.
K Change the resolution setting to the subsequent item in the list, cycling from the
last to the first.
L Change the resolution setting to the previous item in the list, cycling from the
first to the last.
C Exit back to menu item.
RS232 Communication
The baud rate can be set to 2400 or 9600.
K Change the RS232 communication setting in the list, cycling from the last to the
L Change the RS232 communication setting to the previous item in the list, cycling
from the first to the last.
C Exit back to menu item.
Ohms Display
The Primary Display shows the resistance of the sensor. The secondary data field
displays “OHMS”. C is inactive.
The Data Logging functions that follow are only functional in Products that
were purchased with option Data Logging configuration (e.g. 155X-D-X).
Start or Stop Data Logging
Logging status messages are:
FULL the data logging memory is full
OFF not presently logging data
ON presently logging data
Push C to change the logging status.
Push K and L if not currently logging data, to choose between START and OFF. If
presently logging data, choose between STOP and ON. The current data logging mode is
not changed until C is pushed.
C Stop or start data logging.
Display Free Log Memory
Initially, the primary data field shows the percentage of log memory. This display can be
toggled to show the number of free records and is updated continually during data
logging to show the current memory capacity.
Push C to toggle between the two data displays.