1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
Query form: SYST:TIME:DAYL?
Password protection: Time/Date Protection
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the Daylight Saving automatic adjust setting (see Section, TIME DATE (F1), on page 50).
Allowed parameter values are OFF for no automatic daylight saving adjustment, NAM for adjustment accord-
ing to the schedule used in North America (the United States, Canada, and Mexico), and EUR for adjustment
according to the schedule used in Europe. The default setting is OFF. TEST:CURR:CONF <channel>,<current>,<polarity>
Query form: TEST:CURR:CONF?
Example query response: 2,1.0,0
Sets the conguration of the sensing current test (see Section 9, Calibration, on page 103).
Parameter <channel> may be 1 through 4, referring to front channels 1 through 4.
Parameter <current> is the driving current.
Parameter <polarity> sets the direction of the current and may be either 0 for forward or 1 for reverse. TEST:CURR[:STAT] <boolean>
Query form: TEST:CURR?
Sets the state of the sensing current test (see Section 9, Calibration, on page 103).
Parameter <boolean> given a value of 1 starts the sensing current test if it is off. A value of 0 stops the sensing
current test if it is on.
During the sensing current test a constant current is sourced at the current terminals of a channel. The channel,
current magnitude, and polarity may be specied using the TEST:CURR:CONF command. While a sensing
current test is in progress, the display shows the Current Test status screen. Also, the 0 bit of the Operation
Status Condition Register is set while the test is in progress, and is cleared when the test is stopped.
A sensing current test is stopped if the *RST command is received. TEST:LIN:ABOR
Cancels Ratio Self-Calibration (see Section 9, Calibration, on page 103).
Ratio Self-Calibration is also canceled if the *RST command is received. TEST:LIN:PAR?
Example response: 0.12,0.05,-0.03,-0.02
Reads the suggested calibration Linearity C<n> parameters (see Section 9, Calibration, on page 103) result-
ing from the Ratio Self-Calibration.
The response contains the following:
A response is returned only if the Ratio Self-Calibration runs to completion. If no linearity self-test report is
available, error -230,“Data corrupt or stale” is generated in the error queue. TEST:LIN:INIT
Query form: TEST:LIN:INIT?
Starts Ratio Self-Calibration (see Section 9, Calibration, on page 103).
If Ratio Self-Calibration is already in progress, error -213, “Init ignored” is generated in the error queue.
While Ratio Self-Calibration is in progress, the display shows the Ratio Calibration status screen.