
Self Diagnostics
Table 7-1. 5725A Fault Codes (cont)
228 5725 Software TRAP
229 5725 Cable Was Off
230 5725 RESET (power-up or watchdog timer)
231 5725 Guard-Crossing Timeout
232 5725 Illegal/Unexecutable Command
233 5725 Non-Maskable Interrupt Occurred Either internal fault or external transient condition
234 5725 HVCLEAR Circuit Activated Internal fault, requires service
235 Output Tripped To Standby HVCLEAR circuit activated most likely because of
external transient condition
841 No 5725 Available For Selected Output
850 Can’t Store, 5725 Switch In NORMAL
851 Can’t Format, 5725 Switch In NORMAL
3202 5725 ACV Sense Amp Fault Requires service
3203 5725 ACV Standby 5725 Fault Requires service
3204 5725 ACV Operate Wouldn’t Converge Requires service
3205 5725 ACV Operate 5725 Fault Requires service
3206 5725 ACV Cal Sensor Test Died Requires service
3207 5725 ACV Cal Sensor Fault Requires service
3208 5725 Current Path To Shunt Open Requires service
3209 5725 Shunt Sense Open Requires service
3210 5725 Shunt Measurement Out Of
Requires service
3211 5725 Current Amplifier Offset Too Large Requires service
3212 5725 Current Drive Path Open Requires service
3213 5725 Current Error Amplifier Failure Requires service
6. To test the current function, press the "Current" softkey. A sequence of self tests is
run. A brief description of each test follows:
a. 5725A Current Shunt: Checks the current cabling and the calibration amplifier
on the Current Amplifier assembly (A2).
b. 5725A Current Zero: Grounds the input and shorts the output of the Current
Amplifier, and verifies that the output is close to 0A.
c. 5725A Current Gain: Shorts the output of the Current Amplifier, applies a
voltage input, and verifies the output current. This confirms integrity of the error
amplifier circuit in the Current Amplifier assembly.
d. 5725A Current Monitor: Runs the analog monitor circuit on the High Voltage
Sense Assembly (A6) in the current function and verifies that it operates