TSB 05-4-12 (Continued)
2. Obtain two (2) known good batteries (Part # d. Turn-on power to the charger by pressing
10655). Check the batteries to be sure they the (RESET) button on the GFCI cord
produce at least 11V each or 22V combined. breaker.
These batteries will be referred to as batteries
8. Within 3 minutes of plugging the charger in, the
A and B for the remainder of this TSB.
voltage reading on the DVOM should start to
disconnect the following battery cables: battery
a. If the voltage rises, this means that the
#3 (+), and battery #4 (-).
charger is working. However, continue to
4. Connect the (+) terminal of battery A to the (-) monitor the DVOM until the voltage hits its
terminal of battery B, (an extra TH!NK Neighbor highest point (peaks).
battery cable or a jumper cable may be used to
(1) If the voltage rises above 90V, the
make the connection).
charger is overcharging and should be
5. Connect the (+) terminal of battery B to the (-) replaced.
terminal of the battery pack #4 battery (Figure
(2) If the voltage rises but never reaches
2). Connect the (-) terminal of battery A to the
75V or above, the charger is under
(+) terminal of the battery pack #3 battery.
charging and should be replaced.
b. If the voltage does not rise after 5 minutes,
the charging system is not charging.
(1) Check the function of charging system
components such as the GFCI cord,
the charger, 30-amp fuse and the
charge circuit. Make repairs as
necessary and retest. If no faults are
found with the system components,
replace the charger.
9. After completing the charger diagnostics,
shut-off the power through the GFCI charge
cord by pressing the (TEST) button on the
Figure 2 - Article 05-4-12
GFCI breaker on the GFCI cord, and remove
the cord from the vehicle plug inlet.
6. Place the DVOM (+) probe onto the (+) terminal
of battery #6 and the (-) probe onto the (-)
terminal of battery #1.
disconnect battery cables from the A and B
jumper batteries to the vehicle batteries at
7. Using the customer’s GFCI cord:
battery #3 (+), and battery #4 (-). Reconnect
the vehicle pack battery cables.
a. Plug the cord into the 110V wall outlet.
WARRANTY STATUS: Information Only
b. Turn-off the GFCI cord breaker by pressing
the (TEST) button on the GFCI block.
c. Plug in the GFCI receptacle end into the
vehicle charge inlet.