FTP Command Compliance
The following FTP commands can be used when DV40 works as a FTP server.
USER Identifying user name.
PASS Identifying password.
QUIT Terminating FTP connection. TCP connection for Control is also cut off.
PORT When transferring data, relay the connection state open port number for data transferring at client side
to server.
Format: PORT IP1, IP2, IP3, IP4, P1, P2
(IPx: IP address, Px: port number represented by decimal number in every 1 byte unit)
TYPE Designating data type (ASCII, BECIDIC, BINARY, LOCAL).
RETR Instructing server to transfer file through data connection.
STOR Instructing server to write data transferred through data connection into a new file.
LIST Requesting server to send a list of files.
NLST Requesting server to send a detailed list of files.
CWD Changing current directory.
CDUP Changing current directory to upper level.
PWD Displaying current directory.
NOOP Doing nothing.
SYST Acquire server OS type.
The following FTP commands cannot be used when DV40 works as a FTP server.
APPE Instructing server to write data transferred through data connection into an existing file additionally.
DELE Deleting designated file.
RNFR Designating current file name for renaming.
RNTO Changing current file name for renaming.
HELP Displaying command description.
ACCT Identifying user account.
PASV Opening command state designated port except default data port (No. 20) on server.
STRU Designating file structure.
MODE Designating file transfer mode (Stream, Block, Compressed).
RMD Deleting designated directory.
MKD Creating designated directory.
STAT Requesting server condition.
Note that
• Deleting files
• Renaming files
• Creating a new directory
cannot be executed when using a FTP client application.
Saved File Location
• BWF File
The files recorded by BWF AUDIO FILE SW setting are saved in the “bwff” folder. Note that onlya
file with “.wav” extension can be saved in the “bwff” folder.
• SDII File
The files recorded by SDII AUDIO FILE SW are saved in the “sd2f” folder. Note that the file type to
send and received data is “MacBinary version 2”. Because of this, the “*,bin” file extension is added
to a file name.
FTP Client Applicationº
The FTP client applications we confirmed the operation are
• Fetch (Shareware for Macintosh computer)
• WS FTP (Shareware for Windows computer)
The FTP client application we found inoperative is
• FTP Explorer (Shareware for Windows computer)