7- Fault Finding
All fault finding must be conducted by a competent person or qualified Electrical Engineer.
Please refer to the following table for the trouble-shooting of Xenon lamps.
Fault Cause Remedy
Wrong Polarity
Lamp incorrectly fitted
Faulty wiring
Anode (large electrode)
must always be on top in
vertical burning position
Check polarity, transpose
connections if necessary
Cap overheated
Cap temperature above
Faulty contacts
Cooling equipment
Check terminals, tighten or
Check cooling equipment
and replace if necessary
Arc unsteady Lamp operated outside
current control range
Magnetic stabilisation for
horizontal operation
Correct current setting
Check magnetic
Bulb draws in air Crack in graded seal
caused by overheated cap
Maximum cap temperature
Check terminals - tighten
or renew
Glass erosion on fused
quartz bulb
Lamp operated outside
current control range
Lamp service life
Correct current setting
Check meter
Electrodes damaged
Premature blackening
Current ripple too high
Auxiliary mirror incorrectly
Have power supply
Adjust auxiliary mirror
Asymmetrical blackening
of lamp (in horizontal
burning position)
Lamp operated too long in
same position
Turn lamp through 180°
after half service life