Types numbers.
Lets you subtract numbers. (In the phone
list, types a hyphen.)
Calculates percentages.
Changes the sign (+/-) of a number.
Lets you convert measures and currencies.
Other Keys
In the phone list, deletes an entry. In
spelling corrector mode, types an asterisk
to stand for a series of letters in a word.
During a game, provides a clue.
In spelling corrector mode, types a ques-
tion mark to stand for any letter. When a
question mark flashes next to a spelling
correction word, displays its
. During a game, reveals
the answer(s) and ends the round.
Direction Keys
In lists, scrolls up or down. At entry
screens, types apostrophes or full stops.
At the
ENTER a word
screen, adjusts the
screen contrast.
At entry screens, moves the cursor right
or left.
Key Guide